How to Apply All Types of Eyeliner Available in the Market

Eyeliner enhances your eyes and your look. So, it is important to know how to apply eyeliner. In this blog, you will find the information about how to apply liquid, get and pencil eyeliners.

Liquid Eyeliners
These eyeliners are most difficult to apply, read below points to learn how to apply eyeliner.
•    To mix the liner, shake it properly before use. Swipe the brush across the edge of the eyeliner bottle in case it has too much eyeliner on it.
•    Start from the middle of the upper lash.
•    Place the brush as close as possible to eyelash.
•    Then apply eyeliner by moving towards the outer edge of the lash line.
•    After this apply the liner on the inner edge of the eyelash.
Gel Eyeliners
These eyeliners are generally used by professional makeup artists, you can easily learn the process of applying these eyeliner.
•    Dip your liner brush into the gel liner.
•    Replace the lid as Gel liners can dry out very quickly.
•    Start applying the liner from the inner eyelash corner moving towards the centre.
•    After that start from the outer corner of the eyelash towards the centre.
•    The next step after inner and outer starter lines is to fill in the centre.
•    Use small strokes to make an even line along with your upper eyelash.
•    To create a smoky effect, try to blend some eyeshadow along the edge of the liner.
Pencil Eyeliners
These are the most commonly used eyeliners as these are very easy to manage and control. You should read below points to know how to apply eyeliner.
•    First of all, sharpen your pencil if you want precise, thin line or you can use the dull pencil if you want to create a rounded and thick line.
•    Place your fingers on the outer edge of the upper lash and pull outwards. This will taut the eyelid and applying liner will be easy.
•    Start from the inner eyelash corner and move towards the outer edge of the eyelash.
•    Go slowly to make an even line.
•    You can also apply a lighter colour to the inner corner of your upper lash line to make your eyes look bigger.


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