Easy and Effective Dumbbell Workout for Women
Dumbbell workout for women is one of the great ways to burn that extra fat present on your body. Shedding fat not only makes you more confident about yourself but even more appealing to the men around. There isn't any women around who doesn't want to lose the extra fat but it actually takes a lot of efforts, time and research to know which dumbbell workout actually works for burning fat. So, here we mention some of the exercises that can actually turnout to be the best dumbbell workout for women . 1. Reverse laterals: It is the exercise which targets muscles like quadriceps, glutes, adductors, soleus, hamstring and deltoids. It should be done in the form of 3 sets consisting of 12-15 reps each and 30 seconds of recovery between the sets. 2. Single arm row: The exercise is good for back and the biceps. Two sets consisting of 8-10 reps each and 90 seconds of recovery between the sets would be enough for a day. 3. Dumbbell chest press: If you are looking forward to work on your ...